How I take care of my low porosity hair as a beginner to have k-pop glass hair

I found out a month ago that I have Low porosity hair. I knew about porosity ,but didn’t think it was that important.  I would try various hair products that work for my friends or go viral on social media, but won’t get desired results. Even a lot of DIY masks failed me. I got frustrated and decided to watch YouTube videos on how I can get shiny soft hair.  This time I really paid attention to porosity related videos.  Turned out I had low porosity hair. 

How I figured out my porosity using 2 method 

1. This method is very popular on the internet.  All you have to do is take a strand of hair and put it on a glass of water, then observe it for 5 minutes.  If it’s floating you have low porosity hair like I do. If it’s in the middle you have medium porosity Hair.  If it sinks To the bottom you have high porosity hair. 

2. I found this method on YouTube.  I haven’t seen this method talked about Enough. 

This method  basically called for taking a very small section of hair and running your fingertips through it. if it feels smooth all the way through you have low porosity hair. Also run your fingers through your hair if it has little amount of tangles you may have low porosity Hair. 

Hair porosity changes depending on how much heat style you do how damaged it is. If you have bleach done in your hair it may not be low porosity.  Since bleaching opens up hair cuticles.

Things I’m doing to make my low porosity hair soft, shiny and silky

I started using heat. In the hair care community heat in hair is bad. Well. I’m not talking about direct heat. Steaming is very beneficial for low porosity hair.  Our hair cuticles are very tight which doesn’t allow product absorption.  That’s why even after using good quality products I didn’t see much results. It’s because it wasn’t penetrating my hair. There’s many ways to open up hair cuticles.  Such as using a steam cap or dipping a hot towel to give steam.  I think the towel method isn’t as convenient. If the towel is hot enough to give steam to my hair then it’s too hot for the area around my hair.  I just didn’t enjoy this method. It seems like a heat cap is the best option.  I still haven’t bought one yet. 

2 ways I give steam to my hair

  1. Using hot oils on hair and Scalp.  I have noticed a very positive change in my hair . It’s also very relaxing. 
  2. Dipping my hair from neck down to warm water (not hot) for 2 minutes.  And then applying conditioner or hair mask.

I  Started Using Lightweight Oils. 

Oils such as almond oil, argan oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil ,and avocado oils are great options. I currently use a mixture of jojoba and almond oil on my hair.

Weekly hair mask

Aloe vera, honey and glycerin are very good ingredients for low porosity hair. I take 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (sometimes I use natural aloe vera leaf gel ), 2 teaspoons of honey and half teaspoons of glycerin. Mix them and put it on your hair for 30 minutes to an hour.  Use a shower cap for better absorption. The natural heat from the head will get trapped in the shower cap which will give you a subtle steam. Then wash it off with shampoo. Sometimes I only use aloe vera and glycerin as a hair mask and only rinse my hair with water. It leaves my hair so soft and shiny.

I do these consistently to keep my hair healthy and shiny.  This is convenient for me.